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Changing views of PTSD and its treatment (I)


Changing views of PTSD and its treatment (I)

Traditionally, the understanding of PTSD and its treatment was centered on the traumatic experience and the special condition of...

NVR as trauma-therapy


NVR as trauma-therapy

How can a person or family overwhelmed by the loss and despair that are often the consequences of disaster and trauma find the courage to...

The new authority and the continuity principle: An integrative approach to natural disasters, war and trauma


The new authority and the continuity principle: An integrative approach to natural disasters, war and trauma

In the coming series of posts, I`ll be focusing on the new authority and the principle of continuity in trauma and disaster.  The common...

“Courageous Parents / Teachers”: Why are these books important for therapists & counselors?


“Courageous Parents / Teachers”: Why are these books important for therapists & counselors?

“Courageous Parents” and “Courageous Teachers” are a practical and conceptual update of 20 years’ development in NVR and the New...

The new authority in kindergarten


The new authority in kindergarten

This post was written in collaboration with Selah Kadosh Whereas the new authority approach is familiar to many teachers and school...

Parental burnout (2)


Parental burnout (2)

This post was written in collaboration with Els Vandingenen ( In the present post I’ll describe the principles and...

Parental Burnout


Parental Burnout

This post was written in collaboration with Els Vandingenen ( A few weeks ago I published a post in which I referred to...

How I built myself a village to raise me


How I built myself a village to raise me

My mother loved me and admired me deeply. She was sure I’d get the Nobel prize. And I loved her back. We were so close, that when I...

From availability to presence: A vital transition in child development


From availability to presence: A vital transition in child development

The mother’s availability is crucial for the newborn. Maternal availability is almost unconditional in the first weeks of life....

Good for the parents and good for the child


Good for the parents and good for the child

I’m often asked what is unique in our approach for parents. Whenever I give a presentation about NVR (non-violent resistance), I am...

Children’s fears: The secret of parental space.


Children’s fears: The secret of parental space.

The parents of anxious children often find it hard to maintain their personal boundaries. Their bed, room, ears, body, time and leisure...

The need for a personal space for parents of young children


The need for a personal space for parents of young children

A friend of mine, who had given birth to twins a couple of years after having her first child, told me of an interesting decision made by...

Helping the parents of small children cope with fatigue and daily hassles


Helping the parents of small children cope with fatigue and daily hassles

We all know that the parents of small children are often exhausted. If in addition to the “normal parenting fatigue”, the child also...

My e-book "Parenting during crisis... and afterwards"


My e-book "Parenting during crisis... and afterwards"

A few weeks ago I published a post on the continuity principle as a way of providing parents with a clear sense of direction for coping...

Effective parenting in times of Corona


Effective parenting in times of Corona

The continuity principle: How parents, teachers and social leaders can help children in times of Corona This post was written together...

The Return of the Parent


The Return of the Parent

One year after his divorce, Maurice started noticing changes in the behavior of his son, Gabriel (17). When he slept over at his...

Some vital questions about our children's safety


Some vital questions about our children's safety

The questions I wil address in my next posts are linked to what is usually called "parental monitoring". We prefer to call the vital...

Until what age do children need firm limits?


Until what age do children need firm limits?

Along the years I've received requests for help from parents of children from the age of 3 to 62! Actually, in the case of the 62-year...

"Whose house is this?"


"Whose house is this?"

Most children are naturally possessive and territorial. Shouts of "Don't touch my things!" "It's my money!" "Get out of my room!" are...

Our vision in a nutshell


Our vision in a nutshell

Our vision in a nutshell When I consider the massive positive response to our approach (NVR or The New Authority) throughout the world, I...

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